Sunday, January 31, 2010

Why the USA sees Iran as a Threat


Just as the Frankentein, Saddam, created by the military, industrial, financial, media and neo con complex, had to go, because it disobeyed, and revolted its creater, (by selling its oil in Euro rather than the almighty dollar and this could have started a nefarirous trend in OPEC!!!), Iran is now under crossfires of the complex because it has set up its own oil bourse and will eventually trade its oil in a basket of currency. Another factor at play is the tremendous pressure by its master. This has humungous implication for the dollar (it cannot keep its dollar presses humming 24/7) and its economy. Stupid, its all about money and oil!! So the objectives of the master and slave coinside and are symbiotic. So the question that has been looming for nearly two to three years is, when will they implement their massive fraud and gain control of Iran? Just as Saddam was the ultimate evil, (its own Frankeinstein had to be destroyed and obliterated) Iran has now become the ultimate evil, boggeyman and punching bag. Any excuse has to be found to make it a parking lot just as they made Iraq a parking lot. Is there an end to the greed and arrogance of the powers that be? Even though this video is dated, it is as relevant today. It is a must watch to understand what drives US capitalism that has gone wild and has no bounds

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