Monday, February 1, 2010

What a mockery!! Under Obama, the cabal of war ciminals and crimes against humanity, instead of facing the ICC in Hague, walk out freely one by one. Makes you wonder if 9/11 was an insider job and/or a foreign flag terrorism to justify every murderous, genocidal deeds that the cabal perpetrated in the name of national security. One commentator to this article, Curt, sums up the status of justice thus:

“The Constitution: irrelevant. International laws of war that are also laws of the US according to US law: quaint, obsolete. The Justice Department has become the Justification Department, creating excuses for lawlessness rather than enforcing justice.

The government is a creation of the Constitution, if the Constitution is irrelevant then the government has no basis for any claim to authority, if the laws of the US mean nothing to it then the laws are null and void for all.
Our government is an organized crime syndicate, far worse and more dangerous than any that ever existed in recorded history. No matter what the future brings we are in bad times and things will get far worse before they get better, and they will not start to get better until the vast majority of the American people wake up and see the chains they are bound in, and see the vast evil being done in their name, and demand change. Until they're willing to give up American Idol, and give up the illusion that they are 'safe' while the predators in Washington run rampant, nothing will change.”

Here is the complete article:

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